The Geelong Canoe Club 2023 annual general meeting is on Saturday 15 July at 10.00a.m.
All the GCC committee positions are up for grabs. Please consider voting for someone or nominating for a position.
The Committee positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Maintenance Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Events Coordinator, and Rack Allocation/Key Coordinator.
Please be aware that it is an expectation that those who nominate for a committee position will be able to attend the majority of meetings throughout the year. Meetings are held monthly for approximately 90 minutes.
Nominations for the Reg Parker Club Person; Paddler of the Year and Life Membership (as per Geelong Canoe Club By Laws) are also being requested.
Nomination forms for all positions are attached. Please bring these to the annual general meeting or return via email to
Geelong Canoe Club Committee