
Hawkesbury Classic Paddle - registrations are open

Published Thu 22 Sep 2022

Now is the time to enter the 111km 2022 Hawkesbury Canoe Classic that's set for Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 October.

Early Bird closing time has been brought forward to 6pm Friday 30th September.

The challenging conditions of the river, following the flood damage, has impacted on the planning for the 2022 Classic and as a consequence the deadline for early bird entries has had to be brought forward. 

Please start your entry now so that it can be assured that there will be sufficient numbers to run the event.

The event:

The reasons to paddle 111km overnight endure. Some will do it for pure fun. Many will be caught up in the challenge, finding out whether it is possible to make 111km, or what level of hardship might need to be endured to persevere to the finish. 

For others, the main motivation will be fundraising. The beneficiary is the Arrow Bone Marrow Foundation and every cent raised will be used for their research and patient support programs. 

For the elite, timing will be the target, and a good time provide bragging rights and a well-earned sense of satisfaction of pushing past mere mortal pain barriers. Race records are there for all to aspire to.

Information and to register:


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