
Member newsletter June 2023

Published Sun 18 Jun 2023

Dear Members,

Geelong Canoe Club (GCC) is a small community watersports club which is operated by a few very passionate and keen people who ensure it runs well and caters for the needs of all of its members.


The membership for the 2023 – 24 season is due by 1 July 2023. This year the committee has decided to endorse the removal of the Affiliate (non Paddle Australia / Paddle Victoria) category. This will ensure that all club members are protected with insurance and covered under the National Integrity Framework. 

  • Former Affiliate category members who are not registered with either Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association or Dragon Boat Victoria will need to register with Paddle Australia and Paddle Victoria at the same time they register with the GCC if they wish to continue to use the GCC facilities.

If you are a member of the Geelong Dragon Boat Club, Dragons Abreast Geelong or Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association (AOCRA) this does not impact you.

1.  Dragon boat paddlers MUST register on the GCC website:    

*Click either renew or register as a new member.

You will not be charged any money as this fee will be charged to you by your Dragon Boat Club and then paid to GCC as part of the MOU.

2.  Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association (AOCRA) members MUST register on the GCC website:    

*Click either renew or register as a new member.

You will be charged $155 which includes your membership to the GCC and boat storage. Your first craft can be stored at levels 1, 2 or 3 height and your second craft at levels 4 or 5.  If you are also a member of a dragon boat club please do not pay the GCC component of your Dragon Boat Victoria membership.


The AGM is on Saturday 15 July at 10:00am

For any club to be successful it needs to have the help of many volunteers to lessen the load of others and to avoid them becoming tired and worn out. All the current committee members have full time work away from the club as well as families.

To reduce the work on the committee we could share the positions eg add a minute secretary, a person to organise training for juniors, a person to look after the garden and carpark areas and so on. There is a saying that ‘more hands make light work’.

There are a couple of subcommittees currently who organise social activities, keep the website up to date and attend Barwon River User Group (BRUG) meetings. This group of volunteers would not be expected to attend meetings but would certainly be very welcome.

If anyone would like to join the committee please let us know as soon as possible by emailing           

Finally in 2023 the Club will be revisiting the strategic plan for the Geelong Canoe Club for the next 3 - 5 years. The Club has sought the expertise and support of Leisure Networks. If there is someone who would like to be part of this process please let us know. Nick and Carmel B are attending a workshop on Tuesday to start the process. 

Being a member of a club committee as a treasurer or secretary, for example, provides a terrific opportunity for a young person to gain experience in how an organisation operates. GCC is a great way to get started and it would look great on your resume.  If you know someone who would like to be part of this experience, then please get in contact.

On the other hand if there is a person with a few spare hours or a retiree who would like to be part of the team please get in contact as well.


To allow members to be involved more in the Club, general information sessions are being conducted on the 3rd Wednesday of the even calendar month at 6:30pm prior to the committee meeting.

The next meeting is this Wednesday 21 June 2023. Everyone is welcome to attend to share your ideas and thoughts.


On alternate Saturdays a handicap event is organised by Michael to encourage members to test their paddling skills against others. All craft are permitted, and anyone can join in. A warm cup of coffee or tea and a piece of cake is a great way to catch up afterwards and discuss your tactics and skills.

The next event will be on Saturday 24 June at 9:30am.


Alex  and Peter are the GCC representatives on this committee. They have been attending meetings with the others members of the group including the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) to ensure that the voice of the GCC members is heard and that the river is available for all to use.

An update from the meetings will be available soon. GCC wishes to thank them for all the work they have been doing in this space.


The GCC would like to welcome all new members to the Club and hope that they are enjoying the friendliness and opportunity to explore the Barwon River with others. If you have any questions, please make sure that you let us know via


The GCC has had discussions about offering coaching at the Club. At this stage we have informal sessions on Tuesday afternoons from 4:30pm and Saturday mornings from 9:30am but if you have the expertise and could assist others then please be in contact.

There is also scope for the Club to reintroduce canoe polo and junior paddling sessions.

More information will be available shortly via the website.

On behalf of the GCC committee thank you for the support that you have given over the 2022 -23 season.

See you at the AGM  Saturday 15 July 2023.


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